Simal Beheer B.V. » Real estate investments

Simal Beheer is a privately-owned investment company. Among our real estate investments are:

Run 1101, Veldhoven, The Netherlands

Run 1101 Veldhoven evening

Simac Techniek NV is headquartered at this location.

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J.F. Kennedylaan 14B, Panningen, The Netherlands

JF Kennedylaan 14B Panningen XYZTEC

XYZTEC BV is headquartered at this location.

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Ampèrestraat 36, Ede, The Netherlands

Ampèrestraat 36 Ede Simac

Simac has an office at this location.

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Maxwellstraat 47, Ede, The Netherlands

Maxwellstraat 47 Ede Simac

Simac Retail has an office at this location.

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Corporate investments

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Contact us

If you are interested in our activities, please contact us.